Q. The survey report on the house that I’m buying has come back saying there is a problem with ‘Roof Spread’ can you shed some light on this, I have no idea what this means?

A. Roof spread occurs when the load or roof covering is too heavy for the supports. The weight on the roof structure will slowly flatten the arch or pitch of the roof causing the ends to push outwards.

Problems with roof spread often occurs when a property is re-roofed with concrete tiles when it was originally designed to carry lighter slate tiles. The added weight of the differing tile from the original should be supported internally with additional struts and/or purloins to add extra support. If this has not been done cracks may appear in the top corners of rooms and deflection noted in the ridges etc.

Some older properties were commonly constructed using thinner timbers than would be used today and over time roof spread is common in properties of a certain age.

As in this case if roof spread has been noted on a survey or if you think roof spread may be occurring you should in the first instance contact a reputable roofing contractor. They will be able to ascertain the extent of the problem and quote for the remedial works. In some cases this work will need to be overseen by a structural engineer, especially if it has been picked up by a surveyor acting for a Lender. The work will entail adding support struts to even the roof loading and should be relatively inexpensive in most cases. In extreme cases the entire roof and supporting structure will need to be replaced.