Deposit drama

Q.  Following the end of the tenancy and my tenants vacating I am now trying to deal with the deposit release. Sadly there are a number of dilapidations noted on the check out, some I have been willing to let go as fair wear and tear but the other more serious damage I am looking…

Gazumping gone for good!?

With the sales market fraught with both sellers and buyers often behaving unethically I was delighted to hear at last that the government are reportedly considering a crackdown on buyers and sellers who pull out of a deal at the last minute, or who try to gazump or gazunder each other, one of my main…

Lifetime ISA

Whilst investors braced themselves last week when the Budget 2016 changes were announced it seems the property market had little to be phased about with no major changes that we were not already aware about. I think perhaps the biggest impact was the announcement of the Lifetime ISA, the government seems to be committed to…